We dance into 2022

carrie green quote

Well you and I are still here! All we’ve been through in our lives is now served with a side of Covid. Are we excited about a new year, or do we think it’s 2020 too? Well some of us feel both ways. And honestly, it depends on what day you catch me, as to where I fall on that. Let’s go with excitement for a new year, and uncharacteristic optimism!

As we enter into 2022, let’s take some things with us and leave some behind.

what we’re leaving behind in 2021…

…any thoughts that tell us we can’t do what we want in this life and make it what we want. We were built for starting something new and finding ourselves in there.

…a place where we might be stuck, where everything is in transition. A place between two lives. It’s like a waiting room. ( I will tell you in a later post about where I learned about this concept.) If you are stuck there, open the door and leave it behind. You can’t wait any more. This is a place where you feel safe and that can be helpful for awhile, but now it’s time to leave it.

…all the people who don’t make us feel good about ourselves. Those that make us feel pressured to be or do something that isn’t us. The people who make us feel uncomfortable. Or the people that don’t make time for us and don’t want to understand us. They are easier to leave than you think.

…the sitting at home Covid life. We’re going to walk and move and stretch. Start doing yoga again, or some weights for the arm situation. (The struggle is real.) Walk a little here and there. And a little more. And then 2022, I hope, will require a little more dancing.

what we’re taking with us into 2022…

…the courage and the momentum that got us to where we are. We have what it takes to keep up that courage, to answer the what now? questions, and change our lives and make them better. We’re taking that courage and whatever/whoever is the source of it.

…open-mindedness for change. We don’t know what changes are coming but will try to make them good ones.

…gratitude for what we have been given. I’m the first one to say that gratitude isn’t the answer to everything (more on that later as well), but it is a great help to just own what you’ve been through and who you now are, because of it. (I get it, sometimes it takes a while to get there.) We build a new direction based on our own trials and losses.

…humor. As you know, laughter is the best medicine. It is. And we look so much better when we smile. Seriously - look at the pictures… So don’t forget to laugh. I plan to make you laugh whenever possible.

…all of our talents, whatever they are. Our gifts and skills make us who we are, and may even make us better in 2022. They also heal whatever needs healing, typically.

…all of the people who were kind to us and who love us and our talents. The people who appreciate us for who we are, and have given up trying to change us. We are good enough for them.

So let’s be excited for 2022

I have what it takes to make things better and so do you. And if the music is good…

gray dancing

you might as well dance 😜


Spring|Summer 2022 Style Translated


Well here we are, finally…!