Top Ten Posts from 2022


These are my most read articles from 2022, the first year of State of Gray. If you are new to the blog, you might have missed them - several of them are from early on. So check them out if you’ve never seen them, or re-read them if they resonated with you!

Click on the image for the link to the post.

We Dance into 2022…

one of my first posts

Downsizing, Rightsizing or staying put?

my most popular post, ever

Going, Going, Gray!

my hair journey and how I slowly transformed

Drops of jupiter

our random acts of kindness on whitten’s birthday

MY state of gray

how I keep my hair looking good and my favorite products

NOTE - I will be updating this one this spring

Whitten & me

the story of my son

great travel stuff & tips for you

items and tips to make travel easier

NOTE - I will be updating this one soon also.

introducing the river house

our 1840’s house on the chesapeake bay

FYI - here is Part II and Part III is coming this spring…

The shed

my wonderful garden shed in the backyard

Great inspiration | instagram & spotify

my best instagram feeds and spotify playlists

NOTE - My wintry Spotify playlists coming soon…

Thanks for reading today! Next up - my one year anniversary and a wintry Posh Box Giveaway!


The Posh Box Giveaway | The Hygge Edition


Gadabout | Part 3