So Where Were We?


Hi ladies! Long time no see.

If you told me I would’ve just flown the coop and taken off 2 1/2 months, unplanned and unannounced, from a growing, sorta-successful blog, I would’ve said “Are you kidding? No way - my readers want to hear from me! No up and coming blogger in their right mind would do that.”

But that’s exactly what I did…

The demands of everyday life and a myriad of assorted projects, just stopped me in my tracks. Maybe I’m not seasoned enough at this yet, to just figure out the timing and get it all done. And the whole IG Reels thing is driving me to drink. If anyone knows of a Reels Class, sign me up. That’s the only way to promote a blog on IG now, and I just cannot get the hang of it. BUT I WILL! (Or maybe I won’t - by the time I figure it out, there will be some new thing that’s required.)

And thank you so much to those ladies far and wide that actually checked in on me! Like Sally Field said in her Oscar speech, well, you know what she said… Sometimes, you aren’t convinced that anyone is reading - it can be a lonely business, this. So thanks for all the love! ❤️

What I realized while I was gone…

  • I lost sight of the blog itself and was concerned with learning to market on Instagram and teaching myself to make graphics and keep up with everyone else who’s been doing this for years…or who is more tech savvy than me! I need to rent some kids.

  • My blog isn’t like most other Over 50 Ladies’ Blogs, and that’s ok. (I don’t mean anything derogatory about them - I love and follow a bunch of them.) My hope is that it’s like a beautiful magazine, with interesting information for your life. Sometimes it’s pretty, sometimes it’s yummy, sometimes it’s thoughtful or serious, and sometimes it’s funny - but always with you in mind. How did we get here? What makes life better, easier and more fun for us at this stage of the game? It is aimed at women over 50 - hell, most of us are over 60 - but much of it is interesting for women of any age!

  • I’m trying not to talk about what everyone else is talking about and I try not to state the obvious. I am also all about a conversation with you.

So, on this very chilly fall day, watching the remnants of Hurricane Ian swirling around outside, I’M BAAAACK!

I told you about France in May and June, but I also went to California in July and to Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Newport in August, along with our yearly vacation on Block Island. I will tell you all about those excursions, and more projects around here. I’ll continue to tell you about developments at the River House. And if you follow me on IG stories, FYI - the deer fortress is up and holding and the lemon tree is full! I even got some dahlias after my summer absence!

But without further ado….

Next week I’m back with Gadabout with lots to say and show and find…I hope you’re ready for what’s in store…and we’ll be recapping summer soon and forecasting fall and winter. Whitten’s birthday is this week - he would be 35 - and I’ll tell you about our Random Acts of Kindness we do every year to remember him on his birthday. And there’s a Posh Box for winter coming up! Plus I’m going to Cabo at the end of the month…well, at least I’m supposed to. We’ll see if I can get my **** together enough to go. And if I go, I’ll tell you about it. Stay tuned girlfriends…


Gadabout | Part 2


The French Posh Box Winner!