Gadabout | Part 2


A reminder since it’s been a minute…

Gadabout is an assortment of what I come across that I think is good enough to pass on to you. It’s sort of like “Faves & Finds” or “Books & Screen”, but doesn’t have a theme, which those posts are based on. It has no theme at all. I think you will love it.

It’s a list of great stuff, places, video, songs, News, quotes, stories, etc!

Gadabout - n. - a habitual pleasure seeker; an explorer or rambler; one who roves about in search of amusement, moving aimlessly from one thing to another

Here’s today’s list - click for on highlighted text for links to the info!

  • I ordered this Maeve layering piece from Anthro last month, to go under a column of black, for a pop of color. If you wear sleeveless tops, it’s year round!

  • I also ordered this 3 season dress from Everlane for my trip to Nantucket etc., and it’s now on sale. Great for early fall and late spring. I am 5’4” and I might hem it before next spring.

  • Love this simple caned storage basket from H&M - great price and goes with a variety of styles.

  • I love these serving sets I saw this summer in a magazine. They are wooden and I can’t decided which set is more fun!

  • We carried this line at Posh - they have all sorts of sizes and colors of blown glass spheres. We would sell them in sets of three or five. They are such a great cocktail table item - you can get any color, size or pattern you can think of! I was partial to the leopard ones… You can get a similar thing on Etsy, but the colors and sizes are much more limited and they are actually a sea-glass look.

  • If you don’t know about Make Mine A Spritzer, it is a great blog partially dedicated to a new cocktail or two every week. Plus home decor at her home, Snowberry Cottage, and fashion thrown in for fun. Delightful!

  • One of my favorite Etsy stores that is also local to RVA - Glittermoon Cards. Cackie is the owner and is so talented - she is a wonderful photographer and has beautiful cards - I love her blank cards and use some of my favorites for sympathy notes. She also was one of the first to make the most gorgeous wreaths out of vintage Christmas ornaments. I have treasured mine since 2012. She did it for me in my colors. She is just starting to make product for 2022 holidays, after losing her husband this past spring.

  • This is a cool investment for parents who travel with their littles that are too big for a stroller, or for when they don’t want to deal with a stroller on the plane. You can pull them through the airport on this and it makes a “bed” on the plane. It also fits their stuff on one side of the riding suitcase.

  • A fantastic podcast by Bari Weiss of Substack, Eating Ourselves To Death, where she talks to Dr. Casey Means, a Stanford trained physician who left the traditional medical system behind to solve the one problem she says is the reason so many people are overweight and have chronic conditions, and it is going to ruin us: bad food. Very interesting.

  • Arianna Belle is a pillow source that I found a long time ago on Etsy. She has beautiful pillows and a great cheat sheet for pillow sizes and combinations for beds and sofas!

  • Here’s a link to a great post from Cindy Hattersley on how to make effortless arrangements with fall leaves. Check it out if you haven’t already read it!

  • Here’s another great post from Cindy about the Lysse line - several great items, as she focuses on their travel pieces. She has a discount code as well!

  • Did you know there is a new universal mental health crisis number? It’s like 911, and here is the information about it.

  • Another Etsy find - these are very cool, seemingly indestructible luggage tags.

  • A great post on Sonya Lovett’s blog, Style Beyond Age, where she talks about what bio-identical hormones have done for her. I am getting ready to try them again and will report back.

  • We are at the age where we are throwing engagement parties, bridal showers and baby showers nonstop! Here are some fun ideas for engagement parties, and a woodland baby shower!


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