My Little Part 🌎


Happy Earth Day!

I think most everyone tries to do their part to help keep the planet clean. Here’s my little part with some tips and resources…

Click images for links.

silicone ziplocks

I am trying hard to stop with the “single use plastic,” like plastic wrap, and plastic ziplock bags. I found these products at our local Target, but couldn’t find them on the website. So I’ve linked the company site.

You can wait til they go on sale, and they work wonderfully. I buy one here and there. I have four now. They are made of silicone and can be put in the dishwasher. Or you wash them in the sink and pull them inside-out. You can marinade meat in them or store things in the fridge. You can use them in the freezer too. Anything you would use a ziplock for, but you can use them over and over again.

Food Huggers

I have used these forever. They are great on produce and on the tops of cans or small bowls. They form a snug seal and keep things fresher, longer. The only thing I wouldn’t use them for is avocados. But for everything else, they are super. We call them “food condoms.” 🤣

Suction Silicone LIds

They have these on Amazon also, but this site was cheaper!? (Probably colors.) These are so great! They cover any pot or bowl and give a sort of suction seal. You just push the raised part on top and you can feel them adhere. I mean, it’s not a vacuum seal, but it works as well or better than plastic wrap and can be used over and over.

Swedish Sponges

I also love these. I’ve even given them as Christmas presents! They are called Wet It cloths, among other names, and are easy to find. They are biodegradable and are made in Sweden of natural cellulose pulp and cotton. They are extremely absorbent, and can be washed or even soaked in bleach + H2O to be whitened. They can be put in the microwave to be cleaned. They last up to 6+ months. They are better than a dishcloth, because they dry out in between uses and don’t mildew or smell. They are like a wet paper towel but better - they don’t fall apart and can be used over and over again. They’re great.

bamboo toilet paper

I’ve been buying this for awhile now and it’s a tad thinner than the best quality thick stuff, but it works fine. It’s not scratchy and is made of bamboo and sugar cane. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing, least needy grasses on the planet, uses much less input to harvest, while using up as much CO2. And you don’t have all the deforestation and stuff. I know they carry it at Whole Foods and Wegman’s, and probably other places (maybe in other names) as well.


This is a program that I found out about and am loving. I honestly can’t remember who told me about it?! It is local to RVA, but I bet there is something similar near you, if you aren’t local. It’s a great program that is trying to keep textiles out of the landfill. And they take up quite a large amount! The average American throws away 80 pounds of clothing yearly.

They will take anything from luxury consignment items, to rags! And I have sent them all of the above. They sell the nice things, donate the rest, and recycle the rags You sign up and and request a bag, which costs $10 for two bags and $5 thereafter. The bags will fit up to 75 items. They give you packing tips and you fill the bags and schedule a pickup. On my first big clean-out, I made $350! It’s a great service and so easy.

My other efforts include the following…

  • I give all my small boxes, packing envelopes and packing materials to be reused. Well, as many as my girlfriend will take. She sells tons of stuff on Ebay and reuses whatever she can. A Win-Win for us both! If I get a humongous amount of packing peanuts in something, I take them up to the UPS store. If I get cornstarch ones, they go in my compost pile

  • I take my empty plastic plant pots back to the local nursery, they will reuse or recycle.

  • I take old batteries to the hardware store to be recycled (the landfill won’t take them).

  • I send my wire hangers back to the dry cleaners and they are reused. No Wire Hangers!

Most of this is all habit now and I don’t think twice about it anymore.

What is your favorite little part?


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