Memorable Jewels & Mother's Day
Mother’s Day is coming up and in addition to the usual list of Mother’s Day gifts, I wanted to share with you jewelry ideas for special moms in your lives, and especially for those who have lost loved ones, or who just want to honor those they love.
Some of my most special pieces of jewelry are in memory of my son. And the same can be said for my Mom. She wears a necklace in memory of my brother, every day. Many of my friends have beautiful necklaces with stones or initials for their children or grandchildren.
Click on images for links.
Your mom might like to wear a brooch representing all of her grandchildren. My mom used to wear a gold kilt pin like the one above, and she got an engraved gold baby bootie for each grandchild. How wonderful to have lots of little boots hanging there.
If your mother has lost a child or spouse, they may want to wear something like this tiny engraved heart with cremains in it. Mother’s Day is very hard for a bereaved mother. In fact, it’s one of the hardest days of her year. My mom wears one every day for my brother.
Along the same lines, I wear this charm on a tiny chain, with Whitten’s initial in it, along with a tiny compass charm. This is from a Boston jeweler named M. Flynn that has beautiful things.
I think the queen of Mother’s Day gifts is a charm for a charm bracelet. Obviously one for a child or grandchild but it could be anything. The place I linked you to, has beautiful bracelets and charms. But that’s something you can get locally.
This is also from M. Flynn, a pretty, subtle initial necklace. You can add up to 20 initials, but that might start looking like alphabet soup after awhile! Up to five, I think would be pretty. For some of these pricey things, you and your siblings could go in together. They would be a very special gift.
I have a friend that has a beautiful necklace like this. How special would that be to have a stone for each child or grandchild? If your mom wouldn’t wear something dainty like that (neck issues - I get it) then maybe on a longer chain, over a turtleneck or scoopneck?!
These are definitely less expensive and more fun. They are great for a mom for whom more is more! They come in all finishes, gold, silver, rose gold, etc. These shown are champagne. They are Budhagirl all weather bangles and are made of polyvinyl and are soundless, weightless and waterproof! They are handmade in Thailand.
You get a copy of the Serenity Prayer with them and the point is to put them on and take them off with intention. Slide them on one by one and think of your intentions for the day. I like to think of a gratitude for each one when I’m putting them on.
Grandma and Mom - 1944
By this time in our lives, those of us who are lucky enough to still have our moms, are buying for women who are in their late seventies on up into their nineties. Often the last thing they need or want is more stuff. My mom is trying to get rid of stuff. They would rather spend time with us than anything else. Having said that, it is nice to remember them with a little something for Mother’s Day.
I have listed some ideas below with embedded links. I hope this helps if you are having trouble figuring out what to get for the woman who has everything, and/or wants nothing but you and her grandkids!
Mom and Me - 1959
Here are some more ideas for your moms!
Her favorite scent in a lotion or cream.
A mani/pedi and lunch with YOU!
If she’s a clothes horse like me, take her to her favorite shop nearby and help her pick out a little something. A scarf is a great pop of color to her wardrobe and easy to wear.
A digital frame with software so that you and your family can download pictures to it anytime from your phone. My parents LOVE this! My nephew got it and set it up for them.
How about something to make getting around easier? This garden walker is great for moms who like to garden. Perhaps a pretty cane to use when dressed up.
Or something to make it easier to reach things - we are all getting shorter. How about this grabber to reach things or this to reach spots in her back that need some massage! (My mom actually lent me hers and it’s great!!)
If she is tired of cooking or can’t cook much, a healthy meal delivery service is great. There is probably one in your area. Even if it’s just once a week, it will help her eat healthier and with less effort.
A good book is always a great idea if she likes to read, or maybe a book about her favorite place, or a subscription to her favorite magazine. My mom doesn’t like to read, but she loves pretty coffee table books, especially with flowers. This one was one of her favorites!
Speaking of subscriptions, who doesn’t like flowers? How about a subscription to fresh flowers or plants for 3 months or 6 months? Or you could just take her some from your favorite florist, or have some sent to her ( here or here) if you are far away. A good thing to do, is find the best florist where she lives and call them directly.
Does your mom like to sit and do creative things? How about a puzzle, or a coloring book and an Ott Lite to see it better?
Is she struggling with technology? (Aren’t we all?) How about a gift card for the Geek Squad to come out and help her figure it out, if it’s out of your league?
If she spends a lot of time on the sofa or sitting in a chair, how about this nice soft throw? She can throw it in the washer and dryer too. Or a new bathrobe or bed jacket? (here - my 90 year old aunt has this one, and here)
Memories are always loved - how about a pretty frame, here or here or here, with a picture of you!
My first day as a mommy
Thanks for reading this week and I’m cooking up good things for you! I appreciate all of you here.
Speaking of appreciation, if you are a teacher, Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up soon in the US. Thank You to all the teachers out there everywhere!