Gadabout | Part 5

Gadabout Spring Image

More items of late for you to check out.

Gadabout is an assortment of what I come across that I think is good enough to pass on to you. It’s sort of like “Faves & Finds” or “Books & Screen”, but doesn’t have a theme, which those posts are based on. It has no theme at all.


Here’s today’s list - click on highlighted text for links to the info.

  • This is such a pretty candle collection for anyone on the coast. The company Annapolis Candle is based in Annapolis, Maryland and my two favorite collections are the Kim Howell collection - so pretty and smells good too - and especially for the Mid-Atlantic coast or on the Chesapeake Bay, this set is great - vintage oyster and clam cans…(I don’t think they smell like oysters.🤣) A great hostess gift for your next bay visit.

  • It’s been 111 years. Why does the tragedy of the Titanic still grip us? Read about it…

  • I love a good makeover with befores and afters. The Inspired Room has a great piece about a 1950’s brick ranch made into a charming coastal cottage. Amazing.

  • Another great piece on The Inspired Room, a roundup with 31 articles showing Timeless Inspired Kitchen Ideas. Love that.

  • I follow the renovation in Southwest France of a derelict chateau, Chateau Du Gudanes on Instagram and their blog. This past holiday, they held a secret garden winter wedding on the premises. Drop dead gorgeous and so enchanting.

  • I am an sucker for anything that claims to get rid of my lifelong under-eye circles. I am going to save up and try this and I will report back. It is super pricey, but if it works……

  • Excited to read this Kindle book, “What’s Our Problem? A Self Help Book for Societies” by the brilliant Tim Urban. He writes the great blog, Wait, But Why?, and this is his analysis of what is going on in our strange times and why we seem to be going backwards in wisdom.

  • House Beautiful features this Kansas City home that lives as well outside as it does inside. What a gorgeous backyard!

  • I have tried these laundry sheets and am very pleased thus far! I am using them for lights and darks. I have not tried them on delicates or whites yet. But they work well, leave no plastic packaging and have a fresh smell, with no parabens or phthalates.

  • Earthley Wellness puts out this great ebook, The Toxic 20 & How To Ditch Them…They are trying to sell their products, which I can’t vouch for, but there is some good info in there. I look at it as “the more you know”… Let’s face it - no one is looking out for you, but you. And me.

  • Two great posts on Emotionally Naked about depression. This one talks about the face of depression and asks what are the signs? This one is a letter from depression.

  • Have you ever stayed at or been to the beautiful Caneel Bay resort on St. John? We went there in 1995 and it was gorgeous. It was devastated by back to back hurricanes in 2017 and has never reopened. This is a piece I found when I asked the question, “What ever happened to Caneel Bay?”

  • If you live in or around Atlanta, check out The Tippy Tap. You might want to investigate this Italian beverage vehicle for your next event! How cool is this??

  • I showed you this trench coat on my last Gadabout and told you I was getting it. I did and it’s great. I do have to hem the arms, but it’s a keeper…

Ok that’s it today for interesting internet information and finds. (Say that three times fast.) Hope you found a goodie or some interesting reading in there for yourself. Next up, I’ll be announcing the summer Posh Box Giveaway, we’ll be taking a day trip to nearby Charlottesville, and we’ll be talking swimwear and sandals…


Swimwear, Coverups & Sandals Time


Memorable Jewels & Mother's Day