It's a Wrap! | Holiday Wrapping & Sources
Image from Dogwood Hill
Do you like to wrap presents? Most people either love to wrap presents or hate to would rather not be bothered.
I love to wrap things!
I worked at the volunteer gift wrap booth at the local mall, back in the day. My junior women’s club wrapped presents for donations and donated all the money to charity. We had to take lessons and I learned all the tricks - making bows, hiding the tape, etc etc. I can wrap me some gifts!
I usually pick a theme early on every year and pick up wrapping things as I find them. I try to have it go with my house, specifically my den, since that’s where our tree goes. Here are some recent themes and my idea for next year! (Sorry for the bad lighting!)
Ideas & Sources…
Last year I picked blues/white/silver. The idea came from a gift tag I saw that actually had a heron on it! (If you read my post a while back, you know they are special to me…) It wasn’t a holiday tag, but I made it into one. (See below.)
I just put white glue around the edges and dipped it in glitter. I only did enough for Christmas, leaving the rest plain, for everyday gifts.
Here are pictures from last years’ wrapping assortment under the tree. I got wrapping paper from the same place that I got the tags. (Dogwood Hill) I also used plain white paper and bags and reused anything white or silver saved from other years. I had tons of old ribbon saved so I didn’t buy any new ribbon! I always save and reuse anything that’s nice.
These are hat boxes from Target that I filled for some of my girlfriends with a small bourbon, hot toddy ingredients and a recipe for them. I saw that somewhere online, but who knows where! Then I added different things that were special to each friend.
These are old Christmas cards that I cut up and save to reuse as gift tags. I pulled out the ones that had blues, silver and white and used those, in addition to the “heron” ones.
This year’s theme is not super original, but will be pretty nonetheless. I’m using kraft paper with white - I have lots of leftovers of both and am trying to reuse what I have! So here are some ideas and supplies I have gathered for this year…
Similar kraft bags | Gift wrap | Scalloped boxes and bags from Sugar Paper @ Target last year - Similar | Plain boxes
Ribbon from local Michaels - here and here | Twine | Velvet Ribbon (I ordered more in white - this velvet ribbon is eggshell, leftover from my bed reupholster project)
This 1/2 ream roll of gloss wrapping paper came from Posh when we closed. I have been using it for 8 years and look how much I have left! You can get a similar roll here, that’s not quite as huge.
This creative idea came from Cindy Hattersleys’ blog last Christmas. I might try this on one or two boxes. We’ll see how much time it takes!
Here are my tags - recycled Christmas cards | Monogrammed tags | Plain kraft tags | Printable Bokeh tags
Next year, my idea is to start using solid navy - navy bags and paper - because it’s a main color I’ve used in my den. Then I will add different colored ribbon and tissue to the solid navy every year.
There are lots of pretty combinations! If I get inexpensive navy bags and paper, I can splurge on beautiful ribbon and tags. And I will never throw away extra!
Here’s my wrapping station. Originally it was from Martha Stewart’s line. Then Home Depot bought that out so it’s here now. When I got it I think it was $99. 😫 It’s a great thing. If I had room, I would have two. I have so. much. stuff.
Next to that in my “wrapping closet” is my tension curtain rod with more ribbon on it…please excuse the not-renovated-yet closet. 🙃
And if you want more ideas for beautiful wrapping, I suggest Pinterest! Millions of ideas!
Including an old board I still have up called “It’s All In The Presentation”. My Pinterest account is in desperate need of updating - I can’t believe I’m sending you there. BUT, there’s still some good stuff that will remain even after a complete revamp of my page!