What's In My Makeup Drawer?


This is an update on a post I did last year around this time.

The older I get, the more interested in I am in makeup. What’s up with that? I guess I’m looking for help for the washed out skin and dark circles. My mantra now is, it takes twice as long to look half as good.


But you can’t blame a girl for trying. This post is about what’s currently in my makeup drawer and how it’s working… and how I use it. This is after watching 7,093,978 makeup tutorials on youtube. And here’s everything I know! Remember, knowledge is power.

After the products I love and use, check out my Easy Quick Makeup Idea!

Click images for links to alllll the things…


I start with an eyelid primer. This one works well. I put it on my lids and smooth with my ring finger. It brightens your eyes and hides discoloration. It also helps shadow to last.


I bought a nice set of Bobbi Brown makeup brushes probably 20 years ago and I still use them. It looks like you have to buy them one at a time now. I wash them every few months with Dawn.

After I prime my lids, I do my brows. I am now getting them tinted every 6 weeks or so, when I get a facial. So I don’t have to do anything to them, unless I really want to go all out.

When doing that, with a tiny brush, I fill in any sparse spots with a light brown eyeshadow. So that I won’t look like Eugene Levy, I swipe a bit of my lightest eyeshadow back and forth over them, afterward to diffuse the situation (literally) and then use a spooly brush to brush them back in place.


Here’s the eyeshadow palette I’ve been using for awhile now. It’s Ilia, which is a clean line, cruelty free, and have good intense color. I put the lightest shade on first over the whole lid, with a larger brush. Then put my medium shade on with the same brush on the outer 1/3 of the lid. And lastly, I use the darker shade on the crease and on around the edge of the lid - like an upside down slanted 7. This palette is great for green eyes.

Now I use my eyelash curler. Any good one will do. Make sure to close it once close to your lid and then pull it out and close it again. It makes a more natural curl and not a right angle. Remember to replace the rubber pad every so often.


After that, I use the Ilia gel pencil eyeliner. I use the dark brown daily, unless I’m dressed up and going out, when I use the black. I have tried a liquid liner , but I end up looking like a wrinkled Catwoman.


After shadow and liner, I clean up around my eye with a remover pad. I do my mascara last.


Next I use this wonderful makeup primer from DHC. It makes your skin smooth and matte and ready for makeup. I put it on my lips too.


Now it’s time to attempt to cover some vicious dark circles that I have had my whole life.

I start with Ever’s Daylight Treatment Concealer and make sure to spread it with my finger in the inner eye area, under my eyes, all the way out to cheeks and up onto nose a bit. I use the medium as a color corrector.

Then I use my new favorite under eye concealer by IT. It really does work better than anything I’ve tried. And you just need a drop!


Last year, I had just started using this as a spot concealer by Bobbi Brown’s new line - Jones Road - and I have to say, I really like it. It’s a clean product, and much less $$ than Cle de Peau. Sold! I use it around my nose, which is always red, and on any bumps or my worst sun spots. It blends well with a sponge.


Now it’s time for foundation. I like to put all that stuff on under my foundation, I feel like it blends better. I don’t use much foundation and my most favorite ever by Dermalogica was discontinued. The nerve.

I have been using Jones Road What The Foundation? and I do like it. It is also a tinted moisture balm but it has a little more coverage than my old one. But it’s not cakey or chalky or shiny. It’s almost just right.


I started using this contour stick about six months ago and love it. I use the lighter color. It helps to contour your face and give you a lift, with cheekbones and jawlines. This is probably only for those of you who are really serious makeup junkies! But it does work! You have to learn how to use it though!

After the “spackle” has been applied, I use a couple different thing for blush. I like to layer it. I like the Glossier Cloud Paint for a nice flush of color that stays on longer than cream blush (lighter for day, deeper for night). I also like Milk’s Lip and Cheek stick on top by itself or on top of the Glossier to change/add to the color. Afterward I will take the blush brush and buff a little on the top of my forehead.

For highlights, I use Glossier Haloscope over my brow bone and on my cheekbone, over the color. I use it along the top of my nose too. I use a lighter color in the winter and the more bronze color in the summer.

Then for an illuminating effect, in the corners of my eye, and a dot on the top of each eyelid, I use the Trish McEvoy Instant Eyelift. (And I might use it under my eyes too. I TOLD you the circles were vicious.)


Now it’s time for mascara and lipstick - the jewelry of the face. I use Ilia’s Limitless Lash and I love it. Again it’s a clean line, for which I am always looking.

Babor Creamy Lipstick - Nude Rose and matching pencil


MAC Ruby Woo Matte Lip and matching pencil


Chanel Le Rouge Duo Ultra Tenue in Strawberry Red

Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Matte Lipstick and matching pencil

Here are my most used lipsticks. I am all over the place with colors! But here’s what I’m wearing right now.

Easy Makeup idea

When I need to look halfway alive and I do not have time to do the whole shebang, I do this…..I just slap some foundation on and brush on some miracle balm. I grab my brushes and pop some color on - just from the brushes, put on mascara and grab whatever lip gloss or color is in my purse, on the way out the door. Unless you have just washed your brushes, there is always eyeshadow, brow color and cheek color on those brushes, from your last application.

OK ladies - that’s it for beauty products for awhile. Have you found anything that is just the best? Tell us! And for the love of God, - if you have the dark circle solution - DO TELL!

Next time we’re looking into the industry itself, comparing it to Europe’s, and learning what to avoid! After that, we’re pivoting to discuss worn out landscaping and green fashion. And I don’t necessarily mean environmentally friendly - I mean green.


Not So Pretty?


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