Whitten Skies | Spring Edition


Taken by Whitten’s friend, Amy Crockett

Here is my third edition of gorgeous spring skies for you - some dramatic and some peaceful. Put down the news and relax for a few minutes. Enjoy.

Taken by Whitten’s friend, Eric Wuest - The Grand Canyon

Taken from the IG feed of Jones Design Company

Taken by Whitten’s friend, Jinny Khanduja - Brooklyn

Also taken by Jinny - Washington, DC

Also taken by Jinny - Washington, DC

Taken by my friend, Julie Zickafoose - “The Three Graces” - Ohio

Also taken by Julie - Ohio

Taken by my friend, Kim Condyles - Irvington, VA

Also taken by Julie - how magnificent? - Ohio

Taken from the IG feed of Second Firsts

Also taken by Julie - Ohio

Taken by me - Stutts Creek, VA

Also from the Second Firsts IG feed

Peace Out ✌🏻


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