The Winter Posh Box Winner, Survey Results & Whitten Skies!
The Posh Box Winner…
…is tamara tennant! Congratulations tamara!
👉🏼 I generated a random number from, which was #807.
Then I pulled up my list of subscribers and counted up to #807.
And tamara’s the winner of the hygge posh box!
Tamara, go to the Contact page and send me your mailing address and I will send it on. YAY YOU!! 🥳
Next up - My Little Survey Results!
Here is what you told me - honestly there were no big surprises.
In order of the most interesting topics, you like the following, best to least. But there was nothing that was heavily disliked.
#1 Health & Aging Well
#2 Books & Screen
#3 Style & Fashion | Faves & Finds
#4 Interior Projects
#5 Tie! Travel | Flowers & Gardening
#6 Grief
#7 3 Way Tie! Hair, Skin & Makeup | Gadabout | Whitten Skies
#8 Entertaining
#9 Crafts & Organization - This category will be absorbed into others - I don’t post about these things very often.
On the length of the posts and the posting frequency, you overwhelmingly thought that these were fine. (A good number of you wanted me to post more frequently, but 3 times a week is my max right now!)
Other suggestions for the blog included…
posts about retirement
posts about health - chronic pain
posts about being there for your single friends that are over 55
posts about my favorite scents
I have readers in New Zealand and Australia! Blows my mind. G’day ladies! Apologies for the seasonality of my articles!
posts about politics. Although I have definite opinions on that subject, I don’t plan to ever go there in this space. This is a sanctuary from that very thing - it’s everywhere - you can’t watch or listen to anything without being bombarded. Everyone, everywhere has an agenda. So that’s a non-starter for me. Peace Out. ✌🏻
And now some beautiful wintry Whitten Skies for you! If you are new to the blog, read about what these are and why I include these from time to time…a quiet beautiful moment or two to enjoy beauty.
Taken of Jinny Kanduja - Runyon Canyon
Taken by Keiran Maher - winter on the Margaret River in Australia
Taken by Jeanne Soberick - the York River
Taken in Ohio by Julie Zickafoose
From Instagram Feed of @angelchild
Taken by Gloria Couch - Montana sunset - Instagram
Taken by Jinny K. - winter in Miami
Taken by Gray - winter night
Taken by Kieran Maher - sunset in Thailand
Taken by Melissa Carr - Virginia sunrise
Taken by Ashby Keefer - “I think where man’s glory most begins and ends, I say my glory was I had such a friend” -posted for Whitten on December 21
Taken from Instagram feed of @richmondgrid - sunrise on the James River
Thanks for reading and next up we’ll be talking about Winter Skin and my favorites. Creams and serums and procedures - oh my!