My Fab 50...Faster Way to Fat Loss

What is my Fab 50? It’s a series of People, Places and Things that have inspired or enabled me to thrive in this life I am navigating.


I have been lucky that I have never had a weight problem. I’ve been overweight before, but not more than 10 pounds. But I could never lose those 10 pounds without gaining them back. (And you probably know how hard it is to lose weight after menopause, and then keep it off. )

Until I tried this program -

The Faster Way To Fat Loss

It works.

AND I got rid of some annoying conditions as well. There are several big names in the blogging world that are paid spokespeople for the company. It’s such a successful brand because I think lots of people go on to plug it after they “graduate”. They want to promote something that really works. Nobody is paying me for this. I’m just telling you my experience with it.



FWTFL promotes a healthier lifestyle and even after my success with the program, I still cling to and practice much of what I learned.

I went through a round of it in September of 2020 and I lost all the weight I wanted and more, and lost most of my “tummy” that I have had for decades, in 8 weeks. I wanted to lose 9 pounds and I lost 12. At that rate, would I have been able to lose 24 pounds in 16 weeks, or 36 pounds in 24 weeks? Probably.

You do this program with or without a workout plan. It will work without one, but they do encourage you to be active. And now, they have an app that provides all sorts of resources, like 30 minute workouts for low, medium and high impact. I did the low impact (knees! bladder!) for months and have been trying to get back into the habit.

Here’s what you get when you sign up for a round (rounds start every 6 weeks, I think):

  • You get an automatic upgrade to the VIP program upon graduating at the end of 6 weeks. This is good to keep you going.

  • You get 6 weeks of science-backed strategies and are taught how they work with your body. You also learn about hormones, diet, stress, sleep and alcohol and the roll each plays in your health.

  • You get strategic nutrition/exercise pairings to combine the right workout with the right menu for that day to optimize fat burning. You get specific meals plans every week, that teach you how to eat and develop better habits.

  • You get accountability and support. They have great coaches that you hear from every day as long as you are signed up. You can do live workouts with others. They have weekly zoom calls.

One of the cornerstones of FWTL is Intermittent Fasting. It turns your body into a fat burner and changes it at a cellular level. Your body is retaught how to use fat as its’ main energy source. You lose weight and you also see a difference in your body’s composition. You can also maintain muscle while losing weight.

I learned from this how late night snacking harms my body. During the time you fast, you give your body time to repair cells, remove waste and function optimally. Intermittent fasting also helps with digestion and less inflammation. I have less intestinal issues (if you know what I mean), and my dermatitis has almost disappeared! They teach you how to eat well, and to eat real foods instead of processed stuff. (If you can put a ™ after the name of the food, don’t eat it.)

Your diet is probably the most important ingredient in aging well. They teach you how to balance your macronutrients, (fats, proteins and carbs) and their phone apps help you with this. We all need the macros, but in the proper proportions. I also learned that I was not eating enough protein, and when I added that back into my diet, my weight actually started to drop.

I’m not gonna lie, it’s complicated at first - I had a million questions. But your coach is only an email away and you just have to work hard. What seems so complicated, becomes a habit after a month or so. You have to be dedicated and follow all the rules and instructions to a T. Then it just comes naturally.

Another good thing about FWTFL is that it is entirely doable when traveling and when busy. I would try to start it when you are at home though, at first, while you are learning the do’s and don’ts.

I can’t say that I’m still following it 100%. But I am keeping the weight off and my clothes now all fit. I know exactly what to do if I start gaining a few pounds, or if I start to feel bloated. And I am still making the smoothies several times a week and many of the dinners are in my rotation.

I highly recommend trying it. The Faster Way To Fat Loss


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