Iconic Florals @ The Breakers...

Rose close up

…step by step. Last Thursday morning, I just happened to walk through the entry with my coffee, and they were DOING THE BIG FLORAL for the weekend. Everyone was stopping to watch and take pictures.

There was a wedding, and the colors apparently went with the wedding flowers. The team that does this famous floral arrangement, does all the event florals as well.

It was amazing how methodically they worked, AND HOW FAST! Honey, it was impressive - it would’ve taken me all day. They were done and all cleaned up in an hour.

#tgif! Have a Great Weekend!

Breakers' Entry Floral

They start out with a stack of floral foam, covered with chicken wire. And the base of camelia foliage was already up when I got there. After the camelia base, they added forsythia branches.

Next they added large bromeliad plants that they put on two stakes, for height and stability.

Florals at Breakers
Breaker's Floral

Ok they have their height - now they fill in the bottom third. It takes a LOT of flowers. They start that area with a base of lime green hydrangea.

Breaker's Floral

He said they use 450 roses for this. Every week. Woah. It’s startling to think of the use of that many flowers, but it is enjoyed by thousands of people each week. They also told me it is watered every other day.

They add the roses, one variety at a time.

Breaker's Entry Floral
Breaker's Roses Floral

Lastly, they add palm fronds to soften the base.

Palm Fronds
Breaker's Entry Floral
Breaker's Floral Team

I forgot to ask what happens to the week old flowers - I didn’t see them disassemble it - hopefully there are blooms that can still be used somewhere. I can’t say this one was my favorite ever, I like the one I saw last year better. (I’m not a yellow with red fan.) But they did a fantastic job, and it was a pleasure to watch the guys work their magic.


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