Gadabout | A New Series


I’m replacing the #tgif series with a new one I’m calling Gadabout.

Since I decided early on to stop posting on Fridays, #tgif no longer makes sense. Plus, nothing ever really worked in the category. So POOF - it’s gone.

Gadabout is an assortment of what I come across that I think is good enough to pass on to you. It’s sort of like “Faves & Finds” or “Books & Screen”, but doesn’t have a theme, which those posts are based on. It has no theme at all. I think you will love it.

It’s a list of great stuff, places, video, songs, News, quotes, stories, etc!

Gadabout - n. - a habitual pleasure seeker; an explorer or rambler; one who roves about in search of amusement, moving aimlessly from one thing to another

Here’s today’s list - click for links to the info!

Have a great weekend!


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