Is Your Life Changing for the Better?


If you want to change how things are going, then you might need to change how you show up for it! And you might actually be doing better than you think in that regard!

At this stage in our lives, many of us feel on the brink of something new and/or at the end of something old. I don’t mean good or bad necessarily - just new and different. Especially if we’re new empty nesters, or have downsized or upsized, or have moved or divorced.

Sometimes less conscious changes are taking place, letting you know you are on the way to a place you’d like to be or to achieving your dreams and goals. If you are trying to affect change or achieve certain outcomes, here are some indicators things might be changing for the better…

  • You’re starting to do crazy little things. You’re no longer ignoring your gut feelings and sudden instinctual urges. You go out of your way to do things you wouldn’t normally do. You have learned how to listen to your intuition. Maybe you’ve tapped into something new and special!

  • Your community is changing. You might feel disconnected from people you’ve had in your life for years and it feels painful. Maybe you’re moving from people that don’t feel right anymore and toward people that do?! Having people in your life that you consciously choose to fill it with, is one of the best things you can do for yourself. If the friend-group or community around you is changing, just might mean your worldview is changing. As long as they feel right, they support you and they teach you things, they are your people.

  • You notice your senses more often. You might notice how things taste, the sun on your face, the clouds in the sky - that kind of stuff. You are becoming open to different things/ways/ideas.

  • You are starting to come up for air and not take things so seriously. You are letting yourself focus on your passions, your hobbies. You are realizing that you don’t have to be so driven and that you can enjoy the life around you! You are able to chill a little and enjoy the ride. At the same time, you may be getting down to business when needed -you are anxious to get to those passions and hobbies. This is not a dress rehearsal!

  • Even if you don’t know exactly what you want right now, you realize what you don’t want, and are moving away from it.

  • The changes that you are seeking, feel more like yourself and not less. When you are more centered, you want your life to reflect who you are, not who you wish you were.

  • You are beginning to realize that if you have a problem in your life that won’t go away, the problem might be you! People love to project their issues on others and deflect from their own faults - think about it - it might be you!?

  • You’ve recognized that you want more out of life and you are starting to make that happen. You have internalized the old saying “It’s never too late…”

    …………info and ideas taken from pieces I’ve read in Medium and Thought Catalog

I have noticed that some of these things are going on with me. I’m feeling more like me. How about you?


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